Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Phones Calls Are Slow But Steady

Well, I haven't blogged in awhile.  I have been still working on getting the business, Formetalktherapy, up and running.  I have business cards, home office, home waiting area, beautiful brochures, all necessary forms, and last but not least I have clients.  I had four clients but now I have three.  I am happy about my three clients.  I am learning as I go.  I realize I missed several opportunities for clients by missing phones calls and not getting back to people right away.  I am going to make a better effort at this.  My goal is to get and keep a steady caseload of at least 10 to 12 clients.  I see two clients bi-weekly and one client weekly.  I love meeting and talking to the clients, which is why I do what I do.

I will be starting an Externship program in January and would still like to keep my clientele up while attending this externship through the Philadelphia Child and Family Therapy Training Center, Inc.  I am proud to be starting this program, although tired of paying my dues but it is what I must do.

Very Slow Start:

So just like any business I have been incurring all costs and have not had one paying client at this point.  I have had at least six inquiries; however, no paying customers at this time.  I have been doing some extra reading and trying to learn about why there is so much resistance to therapy.  I will say that the majority of my calls have been from men who have been court ordered to attend anger management classes or attend therapy.  I honestly think they look at my picture and decide to call me based on my pic alone.  I don't believe they are serious about addressing their problems at the time they call.  I also received at least one call where the person thought they could basically pay for a certificate of completion for anger management, without doing the work.  I originally thought that phone consultations would be best; however, I don't think it is the best format for me.  I have little patience on the phone.  I just don't like talking on the phone.  I like face to face and have more patience.  I will decline phone consultations and try to see people immediately for face to face consultations.  I will charge for the consultation.  I will see if this will work better.  I will also be able to get necessary paperwork filled out and go over all necessary paperwork.  I believe if I take the time to set up more immediate consultations it will give the person an opportunity to get to know me as a therapist instead of feeling like they were rushed off the phone.  Phone consultations are just more difficult.  It is harder to stay focused, it is more difficult to read body language or attitude, it is more difficult to gauge how serious a person is about beginning a therapeutic process.