Wednesday, February 15, 2017


The latest endeavor of For Me Talk Therapy, LLC.   Thank you for participating in helping choose this logo.  Though there was a logo that was more popular, this is the one that spoke to the heart and to the head, "no pun intended".  It exhibits a number of different values; such as, multiple thoughts that go through your head and need to come out to of the mouth to express our core.  The colors are vibrant ant the slogan is true.  Tell me what you think.  It can still be modified if there is a lot of opposition.

Other News

 As it relates to FMTT  there will be a new group starting May 20, 2017.  This is a women's group, called, "Women in Motion".  This group is a process group that is meant to speak to your heart, minds and grap your soul to motivate you, invigorate you and move you to the next level in you life.  The age group is from 17 to any age, any color, and any race.  I do not exclude the handicap; however, the facility is not handicap accessible.  If you know someone who is handicap and who like to attend please call me and I will see what can be done.  The location is only given to those who register.  You will able to sign up via Eventbrite in early to mid March or you can just call, (267) 388-4909, to sign up now.  If you want to know more specifics about the group please check out the website, You can also e-mail the therapist at for additional information.


Many want to know the cost of getting a therapy business started.  It is not as simple as get a license and start doing therapy.  You first must get clients.  How do you get clients.  Word of mouth is usually the best way; however, before you can get people to promote your business for you you must let people know about your business and convenience them that you are authentic, reputable, and legit. So what would make someone think you are legit and want to recommend you or come to you for service?  I started with building my website first and becoming a member of Psychology Today.  A website lets people know you are serious but not necessarily reputable.  However, being part of Psychology Today, which is a reputable forum, allows people to believe you are reputable.  Then it is about connecting with clients once they reach out to you so that they can feel you will be able to meet their needs.  Part of being authentic is about letting people know when you cannot meet their needs.  When a client gets in contact with you you have a once in a life time opportunity to draw them in as a client.   Actually, before the phone call you have to draw them in to make them want to call you in the first place.  Easier said than done, right.