Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Many want to know the cost of getting a therapy business started.  It is not as simple as get a license and start doing therapy.  You first must get clients.  How do you get clients.  Word of mouth is usually the best way; however, before you can get people to promote your business for you you must let people know about your business and convenience them that you are authentic, reputable, and legit. So what would make someone think you are legit and want to recommend you or come to you for service?  I started with building my website first and becoming a member of Psychology Today.  A website lets people know you are serious but not necessarily reputable.  However, being part of Psychology Today, which is a reputable forum, allows people to believe you are reputable.  Then it is about connecting with clients once they reach out to you so that they can feel you will be able to meet their needs.  Part of being authentic is about letting people know when you cannot meet their needs.  When a client gets in contact with you you have a once in a life time opportunity to draw them in as a client.   Actually, before the phone call you have to draw them in to make them want to call you in the first place.  Easier said than done, right.  
I am constantly working on my website.  I keep what works and change what I believe is not working.  I am constantly looking to see what motivates people to seek therapy services and try to appeal to that group of people.  It is not an easy task but when you are a business of one you must do everything.  So I don't just do therapy, I do bookkeeping, website building, brochure and business card designing, I must be an accountant and promoter.  I must bill my clients and still be able to have a therapeutic relationship where the business process does not get in the way of the therapy process.  

So what are the costs so far:  The url cost,, $20.00 a year.   The webpage cost with only one page cost $60.00 a year.  I obtained my LLC, which cost me $372.  I was able to pay in installments.  I advertise on Psychology Today which is a monthly fee of $29.95 which totals $359.40 a year.  Not to mention I spent about $1000.00 on getting my home office together.  

This does not include the computer.  I have also spent a lot of money on advertising, besides Psychology Today.

This includes a logo (97.20), brochures (325.48), a banner (31.00), business cards, letterhead, and a business card holder (184.64).  If I had to do it again I would not have bought the letterhead. I have no reason to send formal letters.  I communicate with clients and others through social media, e-mail, and phone.  I spent $50.00 on printing flyers.  I took out an ad in a local news paper for $100.00.  The ad only ran for one week and resulted in no clients but did result in one phone call, was it worth it.  Since I designed my own ad it could have been the quality of the ad design, who knows.  I attended a workshop for $35.00 which was intended to promote my business.  I am attending another workshop in April 2017 where I will have a table set up, this cost is $50.00.  

So be mindful of the cost.  I have not made a profit yet but I am still in the building phase of my business.  The saying "it takes money to make money" is very true.  I also do not charge clients that much because it is not about making money at this juncture; it is more about building a reputable business name and obtaining my clinical hours.  

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