Sunday, March 19, 2017


I spent the last week investing time and money into a Five Day Facebook Challenge, with Jennifer Sneeden, learning how to promote my business page on Facebook.  I guess the most interesting thing  I learned is how to captivate an audience through their interest instead of my own interest.  I boosted several pictures trying to see which ones would capture my audience's attention most.  The first thing I had to decide was who was my audience.
Before the challenge I had already posted this flyer.  The purpose was to attract women to the group that will be starting on May 20, 2017.  However, I learned that before you can ask people to purchase something on Facebook you first have to allow them to get to know you and then you have to allow yourself to learn who your audience is.  You learn this by posting pictures, sayings, or anything that your business stands for.  You learn your audience by seeing what gets the most clicks, likes, reactions, or shares and by whom.  I did get likes on my flyer but no actual calls.  I did get some people who stated they were going to attend the group but still no calls.

I posted this photo after about the third day in the challenge.  I thought this was so cute.  What do you think?  I also thought it was perfect for someone running groups.
This did gets some likes and some reactions but not too many.  I then posted the picture to the right and received the most likes and reactions.  I still need to find content that will get noticed and in the end meet my goal of getting people calling me on the phone.  That being said I am not doing to badly with individual clients considering I am only working part-time.  I now have 14 clients on the books.  My week ranges from 6 clients (fully booked) to one.  I have not been without at least one client since November of 2016.

It only makes sense that this photo would be the photo to get the most reactions.  My audience, if I go by who I am currently seeing, are Black women, educated, low to medium income, late twenties to forties, Single with or without children.  This includes those I am doing family therapy with.

I want to do anger management with men and women but have not attracted any individual clients for this as of yet.  I will say there were many men who liked and reacted to this post as well.

In the weeks to come I will be posting a lot of very intentional postings to my Facebook page.  If you happen to see please like it and share it.  There are many women who want and need the service.  Liking and sharing gets the word out for others to see what you like as well.


This is an excellent article by Tori DeAngelis.  A must read if you are thinking about 

starting your own business.

💬 So you want to be a private practitioner? You're not alone. More than half of psychologists
 who deliver health services are primarily independent practitioners, according to the latest 
data from APA's 
But starting a practice fresh out of grad school isn't always feasible. Besides entering a 
difficult economy and lacking community connections, chances are you haven't yet acquired 
crucial financial and marketing acumen, says Steven Walfish, PhD, an Atlanta-based 
practitioner and president-elect of APA's Div. 42 (Psychologists in Independent Practice).
"Grad school teaches you how to be a good clinician, but no one teaches you how to run 
the business side of a practice," says Walfish, author with Jeff Barnett, PsyD, of the 2009 
Practitioners."To prepare for the private practice path, experts advise you to:

When you first leave grad school, think about working for an established group rather than 
trying to set up your own shop right away. By joining a group practice or taking a job in a 
community agency or medical setting, you can gain experience, connect with colleagues 
and have a guaranteed paycheck with benefits. It can also give you an inside look at how to 
run a business, says Dave Verhaagen, PhD, a managing partner at Southeast Psych, a large 
group practice in Charlotte, N.C."Like a lot of people out of grad school, I had no training at 
all in business," Verhaagen says. He opted to work for a few community agencies and then a 
group practice before launching his own. The experience gave him a good sense of the 
realities of the work world and "ideas about how I'd run my own business differently from 
what I saw out there," he says.

While at the beginning of your practice you will probably need to take any and all clients, 
specialty niches tend to provide the best income and make the best use of your time and 
energy, psychologists say.  Think about populations you most enjoy and are best at treating, 
as well as what the market needs, experts advise.  In Denver, private practitioner Susan 
Heitler, PhD, discovered a lucrative niche in marriage counseling when she noticed there 
were many people who wanted help creating better marriages — not just those in the throes
of divorce. But there weren't many practitioners who could do that well. "You need to find 
something that's unique and in demand and that people are willing to pay for," Walfish says. 
"It will help you stand out from other practitioners."

Watch Market Trends

Be aware of social, geographic, economic and political trends that may square with your 
interests, says Wolfish. If you live in a city but your specialty is children and families, consider
practicing in the suburbs. If you notice one market trend evaporating (the need for 
psychological testing to assess personality structure, for example) and another one gaining 
steam (say, psychological testing for adult attention deficit disorder) determine how to get on 
the new track in a way that suits your abilities.
Walfish speaks from personal experience: When he began practicing in the 1980s, he 
conducted psychological evaluations for people in residential substance abuse treatment 
programs. Then, managed care came along and eliminated payment for those assessments, 
so he began specializing in short-term therapy. Today, Walfish sees patients considering 
weight-loss surgery, a high-demand area that fits his skill set well. He fully anticipates 
changing again if the market calls for it.  "The people who have long-term success are those 
who can adapt to these changes," Walfish says. "Without adapting, I think practitioners can 
get angry, depressed, burned out and fall into learned helplessness."

Create A Strong Plan

That includes developing a mission or value statement for your practice, a list of whom you'd 

want to work with if you decide to create a group practice and a business plan. To develop

 your plan, tap experts in accounting, taxes and mental health law, and talk with practitioners 

who are already out there, Walfish says. "Don't just go on the experience of one person who 

is terribly successful or one person who is all gloom and doom," he says. "The more private

 practitioners you can talk to in the beginning, the more accurate your knowledge base will be."

Develop New Talents

To run a successful practice, you need to learn business skills, as well as skills related to new 
content areas you'd like to practice in. Heitler did extensive reading to get up to speed in her 
area and ended up writing two well-known books incorporating what she learned, "From 
Conflict to Resolution: Skills and Strategies for Individual, Couple and Family Therapy" (1993) 
and "The Power of Two: Secrets to a Strong & Loving Marriage" (1997).

Sell Yourself

It's not enough to be a good practitioner: You must market yourself, too, says Vancouver, 
B.C.-based practitioner Randy J. Paterson, PhD, author of the 2011 book "Private Practice 
Made Simple." That means giving free talks in venues such as schools and community 
centers. Also consider meeting with people who could refer clients to you,such as physicians,
 allied health professionals, educators and leaders in faith communities. Finally, be sure to 
use technology to your advantage — for example, building a strong website that defines your 
practice and draws clients to it.  In general, "you need to get over the idea that your clinical 
competence alone will sell your practice," says Paterson. "Ultimately it will, but not at the 

Be Bold

As you develop your practice plan, envision the kind of practice you'd really like to have and 
how to implement it, Verhaagen says. "We realized early on that we wanted the tone to feel 
fun and positive, not heavy," says Verhaagen, who specializes in treating young adult males. 
That's why when clients walk into his practice they encounter a bookstore with free coffee 
and Wi-Fi. In the treatment area, he's hung movie posters on the walls and placed 
mannequins of superheroes including Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman — a playful 
way of conveying themes of strength, resiliency and a positive focus.
"Also, be sure to vet potential hires to make sure they're a good fit with your values and 
culture," he says. Encouraging your team to spend time socializing so that they forge good 
personal bonds can likewise foster a healthy practice, says Verhaagen.

Respect Your Worth

Some graduate psychology students may feel that dealing with money is morally wrong or 
even beneath them. But to be successful, you have to know and appreciate your value in 
dollar terms, say practitioners. Learn to be comfortable charging a fee that reflects your worth 
and your area's market, Paterson advises. Remember that your hourly rate encompasses 
business costs including your phone system, computer, test materials, assistants and time 
you spend outside therapy working on a client's case. Be sure to compare your rates with 
those charged by other professions, he adds. "People [often] pay more to take their cat to the 
vet than they do to see a therapist," he says.  Charging a healthy rate for your services can 
actually promote good therapy, Verhaagen adds. It prompts practitioners to do their best work
 and provides clients the incentive to work hard, he says. "We can help a lot 
of people and do really good work and still think very much like a business," he says.


Your skills can be used in a variety of interesting ways besides seeing clients. For example, in 
addition to providing therapy, psychologist Tish Taylor, PhD, conducts workshops for teachers
and educators on dealing with children who have emotional and behavioral problems. Genie 
Skypek, PhD, writes software that helps social service agencies track patients. Walfish and 
colleagues Pauline Wallin, PhD, and Lauren Dehrman, PhD, are using their consulting skills to 
develop an online business called The Practice Institute, which will help psychologists gain 
the tools to build successful private practices. Others author self-help books, create 
educational CDs and DVDs, conduct forensic evaluations and run corporate retreats. Aim for 
a practice that is varied, balanced and in sync with your interests, Walfish says.  "We have a 
tremendous skill set that gives us an advantage over other mental health professions," he 
says. "Extending that skill set helps to create opportunities."

Tori DeAngelis is a writer in Syracuse, N.Y.