Sunday, March 19, 2017


I spent the last week investing time and money into a Five Day Facebook Challenge, with Jennifer Sneeden, learning how to promote my business page on Facebook.  I guess the most interesting thing  I learned is how to captivate an audience through their interest instead of my own interest.  I boosted several pictures trying to see which ones would capture my audience's attention most.  The first thing I had to decide was who was my audience.
Before the challenge I had already posted this flyer.  The purpose was to attract women to the group that will be starting on May 20, 2017.  However, I learned that before you can ask people to purchase something on Facebook you first have to allow them to get to know you and then you have to allow yourself to learn who your audience is.  You learn this by posting pictures, sayings, or anything that your business stands for.  You learn your audience by seeing what gets the most clicks, likes, reactions, or shares and by whom.  I did get likes on my flyer but no actual calls.  I did get some people who stated they were going to attend the group but still no calls.

I posted this photo after about the third day in the challenge.  I thought this was so cute.  What do you think?  I also thought it was perfect for someone running groups.
This did gets some likes and some reactions but not too many.  I then posted the picture to the right and received the most likes and reactions.  I still need to find content that will get noticed and in the end meet my goal of getting people calling me on the phone.  That being said I am not doing to badly with individual clients considering I am only working part-time.  I now have 14 clients on the books.  My week ranges from 6 clients (fully booked) to one.  I have not been without at least one client since November of 2016.

It only makes sense that this photo would be the photo to get the most reactions.  My audience, if I go by who I am currently seeing, are Black women, educated, low to medium income, late twenties to forties, Single with or without children.  This includes those I am doing family therapy with.

I want to do anger management with men and women but have not attracted any individual clients for this as of yet.  I will say there were many men who liked and reacted to this post as well.

In the weeks to come I will be posting a lot of very intentional postings to my Facebook page.  If you happen to see please like it and share it.  There are many women who want and need the service.  Liking and sharing gets the word out for others to see what you like as well.

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