Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week Four: For Me Talk Therapy

So starting a business is not easy.  I am a traveling therapist.  So far no clients but I am very much full of enthusiasm.  I went to a health fair and was able to get my business name out there and talk to many people who needed therapy.  I also was able to network with the Greater Baptist Exodus Church on Broad and Fairmount.  I attended the St. Joseph University Block party also as a networking opportunity and an opportunity to try to solicit clients.  This is probably the toughest part of getting started because I am not a sales person.  I am a business of one person and starting money equals zero.  Therefore, I have to be a webpage developer, marketer, promoter, salesperson, advocate, and bookkeeper.

So far, I have applied to get my LLC. $374.95. I had to purchase Square, a way to take payments, $49.95 plus tax.  I have been putting out e-mail blasts, Facebook page ads ($8.00), advertising by all social media avenues that I can (mostly for free), twitter, Facebook, psychology ($30.00 monthly fee), google, and this blog.  All this work so far, including my in-person networking, has generated 0 clients.  I do; however, receive a lot of annoying phone calls from telemarketers.  I have learned to block each individual call.

I have received at least two really good potential calls but they did not materialize into paying clients.    I will soon be making appearances at churches, mental health centers, senior centers and other locations to try to boost my visibility.  Starting a business is very challenging.  You think the clients will just find you but it is not that easy.  I would like to mention one other great networking tool for Black Therapists: Black Therapist Rock on Facebook.  Great social networking tool for Black therapists.

Would like to start this group in the Fall.  I know the need is out there.  Call "For Me Talk Therapy" to register: 267-388-4909.

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